This is just a quick post for those who wanted to know why I have been inactive for so many days when I was away to India. I usually post photos on social even when I’m away but this time we had small trips planned to couple of places – Vaishno Devi in Jammu & Kashmir as well as Golden Temple in Amritsar, Punjab. Everything went well except I had a small injury where my toe nail came off when we reached Amritsar. It later had a small infection which was treated and is now on the mend.
Secondly, my son caught ChickenPox Virus even after vaccination. As per doctors, vaccination helped it to keep the condition under control and thankfully he didn’t get blisters on face. His scalp as well as body still has dried spots and I remember he has been crying a lot due to discomfort during this trip. Above all, the temperature was 35 Degree Celcius which is a bit too much for a child born in the UK!
As if this was not enough, he also caught Diarrhea later but this was understandable due to change in weather, place, pollution and what not! The diarrhea was not too bad though so we decided to deal with it by taking all precautions and keeping him hydrated etc. This explains my absence from social media and blog while I was abroad.
However, after coming back to the UK, my son’s diarrhea became worse followed by vomiting. I’m cleaning him more than 6 times every hour if he is awake and dealing with soiled bedsheets, blankets, pyjamas too (Yes, Glamorous life of a Mum!).
No, this is not it! Surprise, Surprise !!! My husband has been confirmed Chicken Pox now and has got really bad one. He has got blisters all over and has been told to take rest, stay away from us and that means its only me who has to take care of both of them, sort out food, cleaning, buy medicines, take them to Doctor when I don’t drive. Our close friends live in another city and our families live abroad which means I imagine sleepless nights trying to do multiple tasks.
Someone asked me about medicines..GPs in the UK do not prescribe anything except Paracetamol unless you’re dying. Welcome to England!
We overall had a lovely time with family abroad but our son always gets unwell whenever we visit there. His vaccinations are up to date, we carry his milk and water every time we visit abroad but sometimes things are not in our control. We can’t change air or weather. It is sad that even though we were born abroad and love to go back whenever we get a chance, our son is just not okay there health-wise.
On other note, the photo above was taken early this year in Spain. I couldn’t find a good family pic from our recent trip.
p.s. Scheduled blog posts will go live as usual but posts on Social media may be selective for some days.
Please do not write sympathetic comments but any ideas/suggestions to improve anything or sharing about someone you know who had similar experience would be great.
Until next time.
Ash xo
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Aah I have a friend living in Australia who deals with poor kids’ health every time they visit their home country. Kids’ immune system is not strong in most cases. Wishing speedy recovery to your son and husband. Love this photo x
Aah I have a friend living in Australia who deals with kids’ poor health every time they visit their home country. Kids’ immune system is not strong in most cases. Wishing speedy recovery to your son and husband. Love this photo x
You need to be strong to manage everything on your own. This is just a testing period but it’s temporary and things will be fine in few days.
Your son is handsome as well as cute.
I had similar circumstances when my husband was abroad and my kid got very unwell. I was managing on my own and I know how difficult things can be at that point.
Thank you Nicola. i can relate to your situation.
You all are such a strong family, and I’m glad you still managed to have an enjoyable time away. When my brother wasn’t well last year, the GP recommended Probiotics, and a solution called Dioralyte, its used when adults and kids have Diarrhea. If you choose to give these a go, quickly double check them with your GP/Pharmacist, just as a precaution. I hope they both have a speedy recovery xx
Thank you Trishna. I’m giving him Dioralyte for rehydration. I hope there were some medicines to cure this faster as its hard to see him feel tired quickly.
I have no suggestions, Ash but from experience chicken pox is something that you need to ride it out.
Oh no!! I am so sorry that happened Ash!!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Being a mother is being a super woman. The way you are managing is commendable, but while travelling kids are always prone to ‘ill health’. I wish you all the luck for your next travel plans and welcome back here….keep updating about yourself.
Oh Ash….I totally understand how you feel right now… Sometimes, some life situations make us so independent. I can totally relate to this…last year when we met with accident, we didn’t tell anyone and was managing on our was tough…but, this phase shall pass soon… They will feel better soon…
Hope they both have a speedy recovery.
I hope your son and husband recover soon. It’s sad to hear that the Indian weather didn’t suit them. Certainly precautions are not always 100% protective. A mother’s role is a tough one but I know you’ll get through

Love ,
Very inspiring post. Multi-task activities is very difficult at home. Managing varied task is a great effort by your side. A Big applaud to you.
Chicken Pox has no medicine, my mum used to mash neem leaves in desi ghee and apply to the body. This helped in son when he had it.
Chicken pox Ia nasty. Hugs to kiddo. Big bear hug to you Ash. Totally get your situation as I manage our son by myself in Australia too.
I suffered Chicken pox a few years back. Best tip give your son and hubby vitamin C gummies 2 a day that helped heaps to recover. Lots of hand sanitising for you.
Chicken pot made your situation more nasty. But you overcame it. You are a strong mom. And hugs to your kiddo.